
CSE411: Introduction to Compilers


Jooyong Yi (UNIST)

2024 Spring

Interpreter vs Compiler

How is a compiler different from an interpreter in terms of the input-output interface?

2024 Spring

Usage of an Interpreter

Consider the following Python program.

# hello-name.py
import sys 

print(f"Hello {sys.argv[1]}") # sys.argv[1]: the first command-line argument
2024 Spring

Usage of an Interpreter

Consider the following Python program.

# hello-name.py
import sys 

print(f"Hello {sys.argv[1]}") # sys.argv[1]: the first command-line argument

We typically run a Python program as follows:

> python hello-name.py Uni
Hello Uni
2024 Spring

Usage of a Compiler

Consider the following C program.

// hello-name.c
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    printf("Hello %s\n", argv[1]);
    return 0;
2024 Spring

Usage of a Compiler

Consider the following C program.

// hello-name.c
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    printf("Hello %s\n", argv[1]);
    return 0;

We typically run a C program as follows:

> clang hello-name.c -o hello-name
> ./hello-name Uni
Hello Uni
2024 Spring

Interpreter vs Compiler

  • Python Interpreter
hello-name.py ➡ [ python ]
                  Hello Uni   
  • Clang Compiler
hello-name.c ➡ [ clang ] ➡ hello-name
                          Hello Uni   
2024 Spring

Advantages and Disadvantages of Compilers

Which one is faster between a compiler an an interpreter and why?

2024 Spring

What a typical interpreter looks like

Consider a very simple programming language the performs basic arithmetic computation.


(2 4 add) returns 6
(5 2 sub) returns 3
2024 Spring

What a typical interpreter looks like

A textbook interpreter would look like the following:

def execute(cmd_seq, stack):
    cmd = cmd_seq[0]
    if isinstance(cmd, int):
        stack.insert(0, cmd)
    elif cmd in 'add sub'.split():
        if not len(stack) >= 2:
            raise Irreducible
        n1 = stack.pop(0)
          if not isinstance(n1, int):
            raise Irreducible
        n2 = stack.pop(0)
        ans = int(operator.__dict__[cmd](n2, n1))
2024 Spring

An Interpreter is Slow Because ...

2024 Spring

An Interpreter is Slow Because ...

  1. Computation is performed indirectly using software instructions (e.g., the Python arithmetic functions)
|       Program          |
|      Interpreter       |
|       Hardware         |
2024 Spring

An Interpreter is Slow Because ...

  1. An interpreter typically handles each line of input one by one, it loses an opportunity for code optimization.
def foo():
    return 1234 * 1234

print(foo() + foo())
2024 Spring

Compiled Code is Typically Fast Because ...

  1. Compiled Code (target program) is run directly over hardware using hardware instructions.
  2. A compiler typically performs code optimization before generating code written in the target language.
2024 Spring

What is a Disadvantage of a Compiler?

2024 Spring

What is a Disadvantage of a Compiler?

  • Compiled code typically runs only for the target architecture.
2024 Spring

An Interpreter is Typically Portable

  • Your source code can be distributed for multiple platforms.
  • Portability is provided by the virtual machine.
|       Program                           |
|      Interpreter  (Virtual Machine)     |
|       Hardware                          |
2024 Spring

Taking the Best of the Both Worlds

  • Source program is compiled (translated) into an intermediate representation (e.g., Java/Python Bytecode)
  • Part of an intermediate program (e.g., Java methods that are called frequently) is compiled at runtime. This techinque is called Just-In-Time Compilation (JIT).
Source Program →  |       Intermediate Representation (IR)  |
                  |      Virtual Machine  | Compiled Code   |
                  |       Hardware                          |
2024 Spring

High-Level Steps of Compilation

                 |-----------|        |----------|
Source Program → | Front End | → IR → | Back End | → Target Program
                 |-----------|        |----------|
2024 Spring

Front End

         |-------|            |--------|           |----------|        |-----------|
Source → | Lexer | → tokens → | Parser | → parse → | Semantic |→ AST → |   IR      | → IR
Program  |       |            |        |   tree    | Analyzer |        | Generator |
         |-------|            |--------|           |----------|        |-----------|
  • Parser performs syntactic analysis, i.e., checks if the program respects the language grammar.
  • Semantic analyzer detects semantic errors (e.g., type errors).
  • AST stands for Abstract Syntax Tree.
2024 Spring

Lexer (Lexical Analyzer)

  • Given a source program, the lexer extracts the sequence of tokens.
        position  =  initial  +  rate   *   60
        |      Lexical Analyzer (Lexer)      |
        <id, 1> <=> <id, 2> <+> <id, 3> <*> <int, 60>                     
2024 Spring

Parser (Syntax Analyzer)

  • Given a sequence of tokens, the parser extracts the parse tree.
        <id, 1> <=> <id, 2> <+> <id, 3> <*> <int, 60>                     
        |      Syntax Analyzer (Parser)      |
                      / \
                <id,1>   +
                        / \
                   <id,2>  *
                          / \
                    <id,3>   <int,60>           
2024 Spring

Semantic Analyzer

  • Given a parse tree, the semantic analyzer detects semantic errors such as type errors.
                      / \
                <id,1>   +
                        / \
                   <id,2>  *
                          / \
                    <id,3>   <int,60>           
        |  Semantic Analyzer (Type Checking) |
                      / \
                <id,1>   +
                  int   int
                        / \
                   <id,2>  *
                     int   int
                          / \
                    <id,3>   <int,60>
                     int       int

2024 Spring

IR (Intermediate Representation) Generator

  • At this phase, we do not restrict ourselves to a specific hardware architecture.
                      / \
                <id,1>   +
                  int   int
                        / \
                   <id,2>  *
                     int   int
                          / \
                    <id,3>   <int,60>
                     int       int
        |            IR Generator            |
                       t1 = 60
                       t2 = id3 * t1
                       t3 = id2 + t2
                       id1 = t3
2024 Spring

Back End

  • Typically, multiple code optimization takes place.
     |-------------|         |-------------|          |-------------|
IR → |    Code     | → IR' → |    Code     | → IR'' → |    Code     | → Target
     | Optimizer 1 |         | Optimizer 2 |          |  Generator  |   Program
     |-------------|         |-------------|          |-------------| 
2024 Spring

Code Optimization

                       t1 = 60
                       t2 = id3 * t1
                       t3 = id2 + t2
                       id1 = t3
        |        Code Optimization           |
                      t2 = id3 * 60
                      id1 = id2 + t2                         
2024 Spring

Code Generation

                      t2 = id3 * 60
                      id1 = id2 + t2                         
        |        Code Generation           |
                     LD  R2, id3
                     MUL R2, R2, 60
                     LD  R1, id2
                     ADD R1, R1, R2
                     ST  id1, R1
2024 Spring





