CSE411 Syllabus

CSE411 Introduction to Compilers

Course Information

References (not a textbook)



Assignment Policy

Basic Compiler Architecture

Schedule (tentative)

Week Lecture
1 Overview
2 Lexing, Introduction to Parsing
3 Parsing Algorithms, Recursive Descent Parsing
4 Predictive Parsing
5 Bottom-Up Parsing
6 SLR, LR(0), LR(1) and LALR(1), LL(*) and ALL(*)
7 Abstract Syntax Tree
8 Midterm week
9 Type Checking
10 Type Inference, Intermediate Representation
11 Code Generation, Register Allocation
12 Liveness Analysis, Reaching Definitions
13 Data-flow Analysis, Loop Optimization
14 Interval Analysis
15 Wrap-Up